Thursday 17 February 2011

Draft For Double Page Spread

This is the draft for my double page spread and it contains the article I wrote for it, as well as the two photos that I have included in this draft. I chose a mix of greens for the background because it makes the writing and the pictures easily to see. On my final copy I will probably add another two pictures and maybe some more writing added to the article of the bands interview. I like the texted I used for the font on the top of my page but I may change it when I make the final copy. I may change the colour of the text so that it will show up better on the green background.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Interview of the band for my double page spread

how did you start out?
We all met at our college where we were all studying music, and we discovered we had some similar music interests so we decided to start a band.

What did you do next?
We started to go around the small clubs in Hull and asking to do free gigs and when we slowly got popular we started playing more clubs for higher prices and bigger audiences.

How did you go about producing your first single?
We recorded our song in a recording studio that we rented for a couple of hours, and just began handing them out after gigs that we did.

So are you signed to a record label now?
Yes we are signed to local record label that produce our single and distribute it to local cd stores and venues.

 So what made you produce your first full album?
Our record label asked us to produce an album for them after our single sales were getting popular, so of course we said yes because that is one of the things that we have always wanted to do as a band.

So what happened after your album was out there?
We started to hear it playing on things such as the radio and were even asked to make a video for two for two of the tracks so that it could be aired on some television channels.

So were did this all lead?
Well we started to do gigs outside our home town of Hull, we were going places such as York and Leeds to play venues there as we were starting to become popular outside of Hull.

What are you doing with the money from your new found fame?
We have just bought a new house together so that we can practise together more often, we have also bought a van so that transferring our equipment from place to place has becoming a lot easier, but the majority of the money has gone back into our music so that we can start producing our second album.

When will your second album be ready?
If everything goes to plan it should be ready within the next couple of months, we have all the tracks for it but it just needs some final editing and things such as the album cover design.

So what happens next for you as a band?
Well hopefully we will start playing the big arenas, some more of the well known venues and that the second album will take off as well as the single and the first album did.

Lastly what does it feel like to be on the cover of a new music magazine?
It’s a great accomplishment for all of us because it means that people are enjoying our music and it is reaching more people. It is also good to know that people are taking an interest of the band and our progress.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

First draft of contents page

This is the first draft for my contents page of my music magazine. It is very basic at the moment but the actual contents page will have more colour on the background, but I am happy with the information that shows what is in the magazine and I also think the two pictures that I have on it are good, but I will need to add at least two more images on my final copy.