Thursday 10 March 2011

Double page spread for my music magazine

This is the double page spread for my music magazine, it is different from my draft because it uses a better title style for the band name than my original, I also changed the band name because the new band name is better than my old name. there is only one large picture on the page because I did not want to have to many pictures. The writing is an interview style so it is short but contains information about the band and what they are doing but is not overwhelming for the reader. There is a solid colour on the background of the double page spread so that the title, text and picture stand out against it. I used the same text for the title that I used on my front cover and contents page so that the magazine had continuity. I used green text against the black background but used white text on the sub heading so that it would catch the readers eye.

Monday 7 March 2011

Contents page for my music magazine

This is the contents page for my music magazine, it uses the same text for the title that my front cover used this is to show that it is part of the same magazine and it fits well. It is different from my draft because it uses four pictures instead of two, the pictures serve as a background because on my draft there were two large blank spaces were the text was but it made the page look empty. I used the same text style but changed the colour so that it did not have to much colour on one page and was not overwhelming. I used a small amount of text so that it would not be a large amount of text for the readers of the magazine.  

Friday 4 March 2011

Front cover for my music magazine

This is the front cover that I will be using for my music magazine and it is very different to the draft that I did for it. I decided to use one large picture as the background instead of using three small pictures because it made it easier to read the text on the front cover and I could also include some smaller pictures. The text I added is much more descriptive than the text I used in my draft, and the text also talks about things such as competitions as this will maybe persuade the reader to buy because they may have a chance of winning. Also when I talked about the band that will feature on my double page spread I have changed there name from Caution to Anarchy in paradise, I will also make theses changes on my double page spread. I also changed the font set out of my magazine name Generation so that it will stand out more and look more bold. I think that all the changes I have made will improve the quality of my magazine and would make people want to pick it up and read it.