This is my hand drawn front cover and my digital mock ups will fit this template also. It contains the masthead, one large medium photo in the middle, some smaller thumbnail photos down the side and some small information boxes so there is not an loads of writing on the front cover.
My contents page will be a mix of writing and some small photos of the band that will be featured on the double page spread along with some other artists in the magazine. It will also have a competion bar on the side so that the readers can also try to win prizes. It will also contain important up to date music news for every 2 weeks the magazine comes out.
On my doubel page spread draft I plan to have two medium sized photos and two medium colums of writing to go with the pictures on the chosen artist. There will also be a side bar containing five facts about the artists in the double page spread.
Friday, 26 November 2010
MIndmap to show some of my ideas for my music magazine
This mindmap shows the ideas that i have for my music magazine and also shows that I have done some research into what I am doing.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Unused images of wall photos
Like the garage photos these are the ones that do not have as much quality as the others and are the least natural. these types of images would be the ones that i would use as smaller ictures on my contents page.
Unused image of walking
This is one of my favourite images but is very out of focus and not of good quality. And like some of my other images it needs to be retaken.
Unused images of the garage
These photos I chose not to use because I have some other images that are similar to these but of better quality and that are better positioned than these.
Unused images on the stairs
I chose not to use this image because it was not high enough quality or focus, although I like the photo I plan to get it retaken with a camera that has higher megapixels so that it will be better quality and look more professonal.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Analysis of metal hammer magazine
The front cover of the metal hammer magazine uses lots of dark colours and sharp writing to give off the image the magazine wants to, as it is what the magazines audience want. Also the band on the front of the magazine fits the target audiences likes as Avenged Sevenfold are a very popular metal band. The target audience for this magazine are metal fans aged between 16-24 so it has the same age range as kerrang and NME but has very different contents that the metal audience like. It represents that metal is a very big aspect of music as the magazine is very long and has a lot in it. The front cover does not have much on it but has a good set out because of the large masthead and large picture.
The contents page although not similar to the cover, looks like it belongs in the same magazine as on the pictures on the side it uses colours like that on the front cover. It also uses a lot of writing but in small amounts so that it readers do not see a massive amount of writing on the first page, the writing is also broken down well so that it makes it easier and also more interesting to read. The mast head like that on the front page is large again and in a bold colour so that it stands out. Another thing that is different about this contents page compared to others is that it has a picture of the front page for this editions magazine, so this again shows that it is from the same magazine. It also uses around five small thumbnail images as another look into what will be further along in the magazine.
The double page spread uses the same colours that appear on the front cover and the contents page. So this again can help the readers relate that it belongs to the same magazine more and more. As well as the large article it also has a sidebar which has to smaller issues on it that break down the page, this also makes the reader pay more attention to the double page spread because they want to read all the information available on it. Although there is a lot of writing it is broken down well into smaller paragraphs so the readers feel like there is not an overwhelming amount of reading on the page. The article fits its target audience well because of the issues involved in it.
My front page spread does not show both pages because of how it was scanned, but if needed i can supply both pages in a printed copy of the scanning.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Analysis of NME magazine
The NME front cover uses lots of bright colours and makes it stand out on a shelf to its audience which is people aged around 16-24, so mostly students and people in the E category of society. NME tries to give off the image that it is modern and flash but also has some older artists in it. It contains a masthead and two stripes down the sides of both magazines that show some of the things in the magazine and pictures of the artists in the magazine. While a large image in the centre shows the main point the magazine is showing in this edition.
The contents page looks like it is taken from a newspaper article because of how it is shown, it does not fit in with the front cover but just because of how it is put together you can tell that it has come from the same magazine. Another thing that is noticeable about the contents page is the lack of colour, because the front cover contains lots of colour while the contents page has a few colours of the small pictures on the side but the main section in the middle is black and white.
The double page spread is more like the contents page than the front cover so it does still fit in with the magazine. It has a large photo of who the article is based on and then some smaller articles on the side to almost add to the main article and also gives you something more to read while looking through the main article, but it does not draw away from the main article shown. There is a lot of writing but it is spaced out so it does not look like one massive essay but more cut down readable sections.
Friday, 12 November 2010
LIIAR analysis of kerrang
This magazine contains a masthead, pictures of the main feature band, smaller thumb nails of other band and text about what’s inside the magazine. It has a medium close up of the main band shown and it also has a dark colour scheme because of the type of music the band play.
This magazine is aimed at a target audience of about 16-24, so younger groups of people are going to buy this magazine more than older people. The magazine represents the band on the front by having them dressed in suits showing that the are flashy but can also get on the front of a magazine like kerrang that focuses on rock and metal music mostly.
This is thee message that the magazine gives off, also with all the smaller pictures at the bottom it shows that the magazine is full of good bands and also has a lot to offer the reader for there money.
The contents page contains a listing of most things in the magazine that are important or significant, it also has some smaller pictures that give another in sight into the magazine and again shows what the reader is getting for there money.
It gives of the message that the magazine is packed with great things, and it tells you were you can look at these great things in detail.
Again the target audience is the same as it would be for the front cover because if the like the front cover they may glance at the contents page, and then buy the magazine.
The contents page represents hard work because it looks very professional and it looks like it has had a lot of time spent planning and making it.
The double page spread will be one of the first things shown after the contents page and will focus on the band on the front cover and go into detail about them. The target audience for the article is people who like the band or the issue raised by the band in the article. The article always has a lot of interesting writing and good information, and also shows that people put effort into the making of the magazine, because the article has to be of good quality like the front cover and contents page.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Target audience for my music magazine
My target audience will be people age between 15 and 25 as they are the people who listen most to my genres of music I have chosen for my magazine. I am aiming for both a male and female audience as it would be good to get feed back from both.
Using the S.E.G social survey I will be aiming at people from C1 to E as these groups make up 82% of society according to the survey and they also contain my target audience because the E group is made up of students and they make up most of my 15-25 target audience.
This is also why I priced my magazine at a low affordable price because people under the C1 group tend to be the people of society with lower paying jobs and also students who might not get much money at all.
Using psychographics I would be aiming to wards the social group as they want to belong to part of a group. And also the esteem group as they like to have respect and status by others in the group. If I used these two groups it would make my magazine a success because people would be the magazine if others in there social group do.
Price and publishing for my music magazine
The price of my magazine would be roughly around £2.00 as this is a cheap price and I would make sure that I gave the readers a good product for the money they are paying. Also at this price I would not be pricing myself out of the market because it would be cheaper than other magazines in the same market as my own.
My magazine would be published once every two weeks because if it was every week I think it would be to expensive for the readers but also I think once a month is to long to wait for a magazine and the readers may become bored of waiting and buy magazines from competitors of my magazine instead.
My magazine would be published once every two weeks because if it was every week I think it would be to expensive for the readers but also I think once a month is to long to wait for a magazine and the readers may become bored of waiting and buy magazines from competitors of my magazine instead.
Music genre for my music magazine
The music genre for my magazine will be both rock aand metal and also some styes of music that can belinked to these. The reason I chose these genres is because they are the geenres of music that I know best, because they are the main genres of music that I listen to myself. Also they are widely popular genres as this can be seen from such magazines as Kerrang with has a very large fan base. This is why I am choosing these genres.
LIIAR interpretations of the brief
For my front page I will have to have a masthead and also a slogan, I will also have a large picture on the front page of the main artist I will do the front page spread on and some smaller pictures of other artists in the magazine. For the picture of my main artist I will have a medium close up shot with not much lighting so that it has some good shadows on the picture. The colour schemes that I will use will be dark greens and reds but also some bright colours.
I would be producing my magazine so that it could appeal to my target audience and also to compete with magazines similar to mine such as, Kerrang and NME. I will use some of the features that these magazines use but I have listed.
I want my magazine to show that my chosen genre of music is the best around and that it is high quality music, I would also like it to show that my target audience to be shown in a positive view because my target audience is one with sometimes carries a stereotype.
My main target audience is rock/metal fans and also in some cases punk fans age from 15-25. I could develop this later by the style of the main artist I choose to use for my magazine, as this person could decide what the main type of target audience I am aiming for.
I want my magazine to be seen as up to date and modern but I also want it to contain some older artists, I also want my target audience to be seen better from this magazine because 15-25 year olds seem to have a very negative stereotype.
I would be producing my magazine so that it could appeal to my target audience and also to compete with magazines similar to mine such as, Kerrang and NME. I will use some of the features that these magazines use but I have listed.
I want my magazine to show that my chosen genre of music is the best around and that it is high quality music, I would also like it to show that my target audience to be shown in a positive view because my target audience is one with sometimes carries a stereotype.
My main target audience is rock/metal fans and also in some cases punk fans age from 15-25. I could develop this later by the style of the main artist I choose to use for my magazine, as this person could decide what the main type of target audience I am aiming for.
I want my magazine to be seen as up to date and modern but I also want it to contain some older artists, I also want my target audience to be seen better from this magazine because 15-25 year olds seem to have a very negative stereotype.
The brief for music magazine
The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you-minimum of four images.
Monday, 8 November 2010
final college magazine front cover
Even though this picture is similar to the draft it uses lots of different texts and also the pictures are more neatly cropped. I have not made many chnages because I was happy with my draft but it just needed neating up to make it a better piece of work.
evaluation of college magazine
For my college magazine I used various programmes such a word, publisher and Photoshop. I used these to get a higher mark in my work and also to make the magazine look more professional. For my magazine I used one photo on the front cover of a student at the college and also photo shopped, a picture of the wyke hoodies to advertise this. I did this so it showed two aspects of the college and also the writing in the text box next to it shows other things that are important to the college and can be found in this months magazine.
I chose the colour blue for my front cover and the contents screen because this is the main colour associated with wyke and is also the colour of the hoodies which are on sale in the college. I made sure that my front cover and drafts contents page had the same colour, this is so that they look like they come from the same magazine and are not totally different from each other.
I could make some improvements to my front cover and drafts contents page by making them seem lass formal and more jazzy and colourful. They could also do with a lot more in depth information, but I chose not to do this because I did not want the front cover jammed with information.
draft contents page
This is my draft contents page, i made it using publisher and based its design similar to that of my front page, this is so that my magazine would have continuity.
It could do with a bit more decoration but i wanted a simple contents page that would show the information that was needed.
It could do with a bit more decoration but i wanted a simple contents page that would show the information that was needed.
LIIAR interpretations of two existing college magazines
This front page is very different to the last because it is very colourful and vibrant and has a lot more to attract your eye that the last front page.
The institution that this magazine is made for an also in a way advertising the college, it is a good thing for the college as it would encourage people to go there or at least check it out.
The ideology of the college from this front cover would be the college would be bright and vibrant and that it would know what the students at the college want to read about and what issues effect there life.
The audience of the magazine would be students who go to the college and students who plan to go there in the future, this can be shown by the way that the magazine has tried to market itself toward this age group because of the clothes the figures are wearing, and also the language used on the slogan at the bottom of the magazine.
The magazine represents what the college would describe as collage life and also an insight to Grimsby college. Overall I think that it is a good front cover because it shows that a lot of effort has been put into the making of the magazine. 
This is an existing collage magazine from the east riding collage, the language of the magazine is simple meaning it will be easy to understand and easy to read. East riding have produced this magazine to tell students what is happening in the up and coming months, it works well but may also be to simple at times.
The magazine makes it obvious that it is directed towards the students of the collage and gives off the idea that the previous issue was a winter one because it has the picture of the students in the snow from the winter months.
The audience would be students from the collage who want to know what is happening in there college, it could also be used as an example for media students who need to study the magazine for there project such as myself. The age group would be that of students aged 16-18 who attend college.
The front cover is shown as a large picture followed by some simple text just to state what the magazine is. The connotation of the front cover could be that winter is ending as the sun can be seen shining through on the picture, and spring is beginning
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