Monday 8 November 2010

evaluation of college magazine

For my college magazine I used various programmes such a word, publisher and Photoshop. I used these to get a higher mark in my work and also to make the magazine look more professional. For my magazine  I used one photo on the front cover of a student at the college and also photo shopped, a picture of the wyke hoodies to advertise this. I did this so it showed two aspects of the college and also the writing in the text box next to it shows other things that are important to the college and can be found in this months magazine.

I chose the colour blue for my front cover and the contents screen because this is the main colour associated with wyke and is also the colour of the hoodies which are on sale in the college. I made sure that my front cover and drafts contents page had the same colour, this is so that they look like they come from the same magazine and are not totally different from each other.

I could make some improvements to my front cover and drafts contents page by making them seem lass formal and more jazzy and colourful. They could also do with a lot more in depth information, but I chose not to do this because I did not want the front cover jammed with information.

Overall I think that my front cover does serve its purpose but could do this better, with some of the improvements that I listed above to a certain extent.

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