Wednesday 17 November 2010

Analysis of metal hammer magazine

The front cover of the metal hammer magazine uses lots of dark colours and sharp writing to give off the image the magazine wants to, as it is what the magazines audience want. Also the band on the front of the magazine fits the target audiences likes as Avenged Sevenfold are a very popular metal band. The target audience for this magazine are metal fans aged between 16-24 so it has the same age range as kerrang and NME but has very different contents that the metal audience like. It represents that metal is a very big aspect of music as the magazine is very long and has a lot in it. The front cover does not have much on it but has a good set out because of the large masthead and large picture.

The contents page although not similar to the cover, looks like it belongs in the same magazine as on the pictures on the side it uses colours like that on the front cover. It also uses a lot of writing but in small amounts so that it readers do not see a massive amount of writing on the first page, the writing is also broken down well so that it makes it easier and also more interesting to read. The mast head like that on the front page is large again and in a bold colour so that it stands out. Another thing that is different about this contents page compared to others is that it has a picture of the front page for this editions magazine, so this again shows that it is from the same magazine. It also uses around five small thumbnail images as another look into what will be further along in the magazine.

The double page spread uses the same colours that appear on the front cover and the contents page. So this again can help the readers relate that it belongs to the same magazine more and more. As well as the large article it also has a sidebar which has to smaller issues on it that break down the page, this also makes the reader pay more attention to the double page spread because they want to read all the information available on it. Although there is a lot of writing it is broken down well into smaller paragraphs so the readers feel like there is not an overwhelming amount of reading on the page. The article fits its target audience well because of the issues involved in it.

My front page spread does not show both pages because of how it was scanned, but if needed i can supply both pages in a printed copy of the scanning.

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