This front page is very different to the last because it is very colourful and vibrant and has a lot more to attract your eye that the last front page.
The institution that this magazine is made for an also in a way advertising the college, it is a good thing for the college as it would encourage people to go there or at least check it out.
The ideology of the college from this front cover would be the college would be bright and vibrant and that it would know what the students at the college want to read about and what issues effect there life.
The audience of the magazine would be students who go to the college and students who plan to go there in the future, this can be shown by the way that the magazine has tried to market itself toward this age group because of the clothes the figures are wearing, and also the language used on the slogan at the bottom of the magazine.
The magazine represents what the college would describe as collage life and also an insight to Grimsby college. Overall I think that it is a good front cover because it shows that a lot of effort has been put into the making of the magazine. 
This is an existing collage magazine from the east riding collage, the language of the magazine is simple meaning it will be easy to understand and easy to read. East riding have produced this magazine to tell students what is happening in the up and coming months, it works well but may also be to simple at times.
The magazine makes it obvious that it is directed towards the students of the collage and gives off the idea that the previous issue was a winter one because it has the picture of the students in the snow from the winter months.
The audience would be students from the collage who want to know what is happening in there college, it could also be used as an example for media students who need to study the magazine for there project such as myself. The age group would be that of students aged 16-18 who attend college.
The front cover is shown as a large picture followed by some simple text just to state what the magazine is. The connotation of the front cover could be that winter is ending as the sun can be seen shining through on the picture, and spring is beginning
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