Monday 8 November 2010

final college magazine front cover

Even though this picture is similar to the draft it uses lots of different texts and also the pictures are more neatly cropped. I have not made many chnages because I was happy with my draft but it just needed neating up to make it a better piece of work.

1 comment:

  1. Louis, this isn't a bad effort - but I think that you'll agree that there are some changes that you could make to it that would drastically improve your grade:
    - Bullet points are very rarely used on magazine covers (unconventional, but not in a good way)
    - You have far too much information (text that accompanies your coverlines) on your cover. Usually, this would be saved for the contents page, or even the article.
    - Your main image should be bigger, and your hoodie image looks a bit pants with the white background behind it.
    - Your masthead should stand out more, and be the biggest, most interesting text on the page.
    - The layout of the conventions could be improved.

    However, I do appreciate that you have aimed to use a consistent housestyle through the use of blue and white - but something more adventurous might be a bit more engaging.

    Aim to work towards a deadline at a consistent pace so that you don't find yourself overwhelmed towards the end, and always do MORE than the bare minimum - it gets you extra marks and impresses examiners :-)
