Monday 15 November 2010

Analysis of NME magazine

The NME front cover uses lots of bright colours and makes it stand out on a shelf to its audience which is people aged around 16-24, so mostly students and people in the E category of society. NME tries to give off the image that it is modern and flash but also has some older artists in it. It contains a masthead and two stripes down the sides of both magazines that show some of the things in the magazine and pictures of the artists in the magazine. While a large image in the centre shows the main point the magazine is showing in this edition.

The contents page looks like it is taken from a newspaper article because of how it is shown, it does not fit in with the front cover but just because of how it is put together you can tell that it has come from the same magazine. Another thing that is noticeable about the contents page is the lack of colour, because the front cover contains lots of colour while the contents page has a few colours of the small pictures on the side but the main section in the middle is black and white.
The double page spread is more like the contents page than the front cover so it does still fit in with the magazine. It has a large photo of who the article is based on and then some smaller articles on the side to almost add to the main article and also gives you something more to read while looking through the main article, but it does not draw away from the main article shown. There is a lot of writing but it is spaced out so it does not look like one massive essay but more cut down readable sections.

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