Tuesday 9 November 2010

Target audience for my music magazine

My target audience will be people age between 15 and 25 as they are the people who listen most to my genres of music I have chosen for my magazine. I am aiming for both a male and female audience as it would be good to get feed back from both.
Using the S.E.G social survey I will be aiming at people from C1 to E as these groups make up 82% of society according to the survey and they also contain my target audience because the E group is made up of students and they make up most of my 15-25 target audience.
This is also why I priced my magazine at a low affordable price because people under the C1 group tend to be the people of society with lower paying jobs and also students who might not get much money at all.
Using psychographics I would be aiming to wards the social group as they want to belong to part of a group. And also the esteem group as they like to have respect and status by others in the group. If I used these two groups it would make my magazine a success because people would be the magazine if others in there social group do.  

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