Friday 12 November 2010

LIIAR analysis of kerrang

This magazine contains a masthead, pictures of the main feature band, smaller thumb nails of other band and text about what’s inside the magazine. It has a medium close up of the main band shown and it also has a dark colour scheme because of the type of music the band play.
This magazine is aimed at a target audience of about 16-24, so younger groups of people are going to buy this magazine more than older people. The magazine represents the band on the front by having them dressed in suits showing that the are flashy but can also get on the front of a magazine like kerrang that focuses on rock and metal music mostly.
This is thee message that the magazine gives off, also with all the smaller pictures at the bottom it shows that the magazine is full of good bands and also has a lot to offer the reader for there money.

The contents page contains a listing of most things in the magazine that are important or significant, it also has some smaller pictures that give another in sight into the magazine and again shows what the reader is getting for there money.
It gives of the message that the magazine is packed with great things, and it tells you were you can look at these great things in detail.
Again the target audience is the same as it would be for the front cover because if the like the front cover they may glance at the contents page, and then buy the magazine.
The contents page represents hard work because it looks very professional and it looks like it has had a lot of time spent planning and making it.  

The double page spread will be one of the first things shown after the contents page and will focus on the band on the front cover and go into detail about them. The target audience for the article is people who like the band or the issue raised by the band in the article. The article always has a lot of interesting writing and good information, and also shows that people put effort into the making of the magazine, because the article has to be of good quality like the front cover and contents page.  

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