Friday 26 November 2010

Handrawn mock ups of front cover, conetnts page and double page spread

 This is my hand drawn front cover and my digital mock ups will fit this template also. It contains the masthead, one large medium photo in the middle, some smaller thumbnail photos down the side and some small information boxes so there is not an loads of writing on the front cover.
 My contents page will be a mix of writing and some small photos of the band that will be featured on the double page spread along with some other artists in the magazine. It will also have a competion bar on the side so that the readers can also try to win prizes. It will also contain important up to date music news for every 2 weeks the magazine comes out.
On my doubel page spread draft I plan to have two medium sized photos and two medium colums of writing to go with the pictures on the chosen artist. There will also be a side bar containing five facts about the artists in the double page spread.

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